Friday, December 27, 2019
The Case Against Résumé Writers
The Case Against Rsum WritersThe Case Against Rsum WritersIt seems that ever more people are hiring a rsum writer. But if you think about it, thats no more ethical than hiring someone to write your college application essay.In fact, hiring a rsum writer is worse because the effects are worse. For most professional-level jobs, employers use rsums leid just to see applicants work history but to assess their ability to organize their thoughts, write well and produce an error-free document. An applicant who chooses to do his or her own work for ethical reasons or because he or she cant afford to hire a rsum writer is unfairly penalized. And if that candidate ends up getting hired, not only is that unfair to the superior applicants, its unfair to the employer and the co-workers who are thus saddled with an inferior employee. And inferior employees result in worse products and services and so, indirectly, its unfair to society. True, the effect of a single bad hire is rarely enormous, but collectively, across all the rsums and deckblatt letters written or heavily edited by hired guns, it is.If appeals to ethics are insufficient, perhaps it might help to realize that if you get a job under false pretenses, youre more likely to fail at that job and soon be back on the street, pounding the pavement and your keyboard. If, instead, you reveal your true self, including weaknesses, in writing your rsum and deckblatt letter and in interviews, youll more likely be rejected from ill-suited jobs and more likely hired for better-suited ones.There are other benefits of writing your own rsum and cover letter When you land a job, youll feel you earned it. Your application will be more credible because the writing level will be consistent with your competency level. If when you interview, your verbal and thinking skills are lower than are demonstrated in your rsum, many employers will realize you had someone do your work for you. If you write your own rsum, it will more likely creat e that all-important connection with the reader than does the typical rsum writers effort. The latter is too likely to be filled with rsum-speak, such as self-starting team player who delights in exceeding customer expectations and specializes in spearheading profit-maximizing initiatives, seeks leadership position with PL responsibility in dynamic, high-velocity organization. True, some employers expect applicants to play that game, but wiser employers will appreciate the credibility of a more human, less robotically created document.Rsum writers try to defend their profession by saying speechwriters and ghostwriters also write for other people. Thats a weak argument. Just because a practice exists doesnt make it justifiable. For example, theft is common but certainly not ethical. With regard to speechwriters, citizens would be in a better position to choose which politicians to vote for if candidates wrote their own speeches. We should be voting for the best candidate, not the bes t speechwriter or teleprompter reader.And its far from ethical to say you wrote a book when someone else did. Thats why ethical putative authors credit ghostwriters on the books cover with such phrases as with or as told to, on, for example, The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley. Besides, the impact of an unacknowledged ghostwriter is much smaller than of hiring someone to write your rsum. Readers rarely use the fact of a book having been ghostwritten to decide something as important as whom to hire.If it was ethical to hire someone to write your rsum, why, at the bottom of each rsum, dont rsum writers write, written by Jane Jones, professional rsum writer? If you hired a rsum writer, would you want that written on your rsum? If hiring a rsum writer was ethical, you wouldnt mind.Most people like to think of themselves as ethical. If you do, might you want to reflect on whether hiring a rsum writer is consistent with your values?And if you are a professional rsum write r, might it be worth considering that, as has been argued here, the rsum-writing profession makes things worse, not better? With thousands of societally beneficial professions available, might you want to consider a career change?The San Francisco Bay Guardian called Dr. Nemko The Bay Areas Best Career Coach and he was Contributing Editor for Careers at U.S. News. His sixth and seventh books were published in 2012 How to Do Life What They Didnt Teach You in School and Whats the Big Idea? 39 Disruptive Proposals for a Better America. More than 1,000 of his published writings are free on He posts here every Monday.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Interview - Resumonk Blog
Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Interview - Resumonk BlogTips and Tricks for the Perfect Interview Todays job market is a competitive one. Prospective employers definitely have their pick of qualified, and often overqualified, candidates. There are a number of things you can do to help you perform well in your interview. With a little preparation and some simple follow up, you can greatly increase your chances of impressing potential employers and landing a job.Get A Step Ahead With Good ResearchBefore you enter an interview, it is a good idea to research the company that you are about to interview with. What kinds of products and services do they offer? What segment of the market do they cater to? Armed with knowledge about the company, you will better be able to answer interview questions. For example If a prospective employer asks you, Why are you a good candidate for this ort? You would tailor your answer in a way that fits what they are looking for. Because of your research, you are aware that your potential employer values employees who take the initiative. Some companies would value a team player more than the person who takes the initiative, and you would answer that question differently if you had that piece of information. There aremany questionsthat are commonly asked during interviews, and it is a good idea to have answers ready for those inquiries. Being prepared for those questions ahead of time will make you seem confident when you present your answers instead of stammering and attempting to come up with a suitable response.Dress Appropriately, Turn Up On Time and Perform WellBe aya that what you wear to your interview is appropriate for the type of position you are interviewing for. If you are interviewing for a job as a construction worker, you dont need to show up in a suit and tie. A nice pair of slacks and button-down shirt would be sufficient. If you are interviewing for a managerial position, then a suit would be very appropriate. When in doubt about what to wear, dress conservatively. Although you may be overdressed, that is better than being under-dressed.Make sure that you are on time to your interview, and be confident when meeting a potential employer. Shake hands firmly, look them in the eye and make sure to sit up straight. Be positive and smile. Employers want to know that you will blend well with their current workforce. Someone who is positive and confident will blend better than someone who never smiles and conveys a negative attitude.During the interview, speak decisively and clearly. Answer each question to the best of your ability. Once the interviewer has asked their questions, have a list of questions that you can ask them. The questions you ask should be simple and to the point. They should be things that the interviewer can easily answer. The questions should show that you care about being a good employee and that you value what your employer thinks about you and your job.Close Out The Interview Wit h ConfidenceWhen your interview is over, tell your interviewer that you would like the job. You could say something like, I am very interested in this position. I hope that you will consider me as a candidate. If appropriate, you can send a thank you note to the interviewer expressing gratitude for their time and consideration. This will remind them of who you are and keep you in their minds as they deliberate who to hire. You can also call and check on the status of the position however, its important not to be too aggressive.The interview is a very important aspect of the job quest. Making a good impression is a balance of preparation, confidence and follow-up. While your skills and qualifications may help you to get the interview, the interview itself is what a potential employer will most likely kusine the hiring decision upon. Candidates who make it to the interview process have already been screened for qualifications, either by the HR department or possibly an externalfixed p rice recruitmentagency and its likely that you are matched fairly evenly with other job applicants. Its important to stand out and show that you are capable of doing the job doing it well.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Administrative Assistant Interview Questions and Answers
Administrative Assistant Interview Questions and AnswersAdministrative Assistant Interview Questions and AnswersWhen youre bewerbungsinterviewing for anadministrative assistant job, the interviewer will want to learn abouthowrelevantyourqualificationsarefor the position and how youwouldfit inwiththe company and the department. Because the job requires both administrative and interpersonal skills, hiring managers will often ask about the specific attributes you have that qualify you for the position,as well as your less quantifiable people skills. Tips for Handling the Interview Its important to be aware the discussion will likely go beyondsoft skills,suchasyour communication abilities,organizationalskills, or timeliness. You should be ready to talk abouthard skills, too. 114 Watch Now How to Answer 4 Common Questions For Administrative Jobs Be Prepared to Discuss Software ProgramsSince many administrative assistant positions require frequent use of specific software, you may ha ve to discussthevarious programs youve worked with, how you have used these programs, and your level of expertise. Sample AnswerI love using technology and learning about new programs. I also have a knack for teaching co-workers who might not be so savvy about using systems. In my last job at Kent Associates, I volunteered to review project management systems for the team of professionals I supported.My babo approved my recommendation and we brought in a web-based system, Asana, that helps us to track projects and share information on a web platform.Sample AnswerI am the go-to person in the office for PowerPoint slides and enjoy helping our sales people to wow customers withtheir presentations.I am also an advanced user of Excel and create complex macros to prepare budget projections for project proposals. Be Ready to Discuss Administrative ProcessesYou should be prepared to discuss your workflow and administrative processes in previous positions. As an administrative professional, there should be nodoubtthat you are organized and detail-oriented. Your interviewer will want to knowhowyou manifest these qualities in your everyday workflow. Sample AnswerOrganizational abilities and attention to detail are among my strongest assets.I have thrived in situations where I can bring reservierung to complex projects.For example, Ipreviouslysupported eight professionals who were planning promotional events for clients.I developed a template for tracking goals and progress for each project and set it up on a shared drive so that all members of staffinvolvedcould tracktheirprogressregardingthe teams projects and events.Sample AnswerWhen working for the Alfred Group, I created a procedures manual that outlined the stepsrequiredtoprocessloan applications, and then uploaded it online so that all the loan officers could follow the saatkornprocedures. Always Respond PositivelyBe mindful of your demeanorthroughoutthe interview. Since administrative assistants often interface very closely with the individuals for whom they work, it is essential to be positive, professional, and politeatalltimes. Youll want the interviewer to have no doubt that working with you would be a pleasant experience. Sample AnswerI worked the front desk in our agency, and it was critical that I made a positive first impression forbothcurrent and prospective clients. I am a natural can do person,and my reviews have regularly lauded my customer service orientation.Sample AnswerThe company surveys clients after interactions, and my name consistentlysurfacesas a staffer whoishelpful, pleasant, and professional. My babo has commented on how often clients ask for me when calling the office for assistance. Preparing for the Interview One of the ways to prepare is to analyze the job description to try to get a sense ofwhether there is a particularskill seton which the position focuses. For example, is there an emphasis on travel planning, project coordination, day-to-day meeting sch eduling, personal assistance, or anything else? If so, be sure to emphasize your most relevant experience when answeringjob-specific interview questions. Make a list of the skills mentioned in the job posting, and feel free to add some others that you think would be applicable as well. Then take a look at your ownadministrativeandofficeskills, andmatch your qualifications to the job. This will help you tailor your answers in the most relevant way to the specific position. Administrative Assistant Interview Questions and Answers While preparing, it can be useful to review questions you might be asked, and give some thought to how to frame a response, highlighting specific experiences and successes from previous jobs. What computer skills do you have,and what programs are you comfortable using? -Best AnswersAre you comfortable using a phone with multiple lines and handling a high volume of telephone calls? -Best AnswersAt this company, we like to think of ourselves as a team that works together towards the same goals. How do you feel about working in a team environment? -Best AnswersHow would you feel supervising two or three other employees? -Best AnswersWhat is your greatest strength,and howwouldit help your wertzuwachs in this position? -Best Answers What is your greatest weakness? -Best AnswersHow do you handle stress and pressure? -Best AnswersWhat was it like working for your supervisor? -Best AnswersWhat do you expect from a supervisor? -Best AnswersDo you prefer to work independently orina team? -Best AnswersDo you work well with people? -Best AnswersGive somepersonalexamples of teamwork. -Best AnswersReceptionist interview questions-List of Questions Questions to Ask the Interviewer You should also do someresearch about the company, and be prepared to ask pertinent questions when the opportunityarises. It can be helpful to come up with a few questions ahead of time that you might ask, or discuss further, if you didnt get the chance earlier in th e interview. Often,this will be near the end of the interview, so its important to leave the interviewer(s)with a good impression. A great way to do that is to show your interest and preparation for the job interview by tying in questions you were asked with some questions of your own. What are the responsibilities of this position?Can you describe a typical day(week) in this department?What are the strengths in this department? What are the weaknesses?What would your past assistants say was the best part of working for you? What would they say was the worst?Inwhatdirection do you see the company going in the next five years? Do you feel that there are any threats to its success?Why did your last assistant leave the position? What were his/her strengths? What were his/her weaknesses? What is he/she doing now? Whatattributesdid your best assistant have? What about your worst assistant?How often are performance reviews performed? Who conducts them?What skills are most important to you in an administrative assistant?How do you reward and encourage the people who work in your department?Are there any ongoing production issues in this department?How have you dealt with personnel problems in the past?What are some of the biggest challenges for a person in this position?What is the most rewarding aspect of this position, in your opinion? Do you (Does the company/department) support membershipsofprofessional associations, and continuing professional development?What would you describe as the role of the administrative staff in this office?Are overtime or weekend hours expected?What do you like most about working for this company? Are thereanychanges you would make?What do you like least about working here?Do you encourage the department to work as a team, or concentrate mora on individual contributions? Be Prepared for More Job Interview Questions In addition tojob-specificinterview questions, you will also be asked more general questions about your employment his tory, education, strengths, weaknesses, achievements, goals, and plans. Heres a list of themost common interview questionsand sample answers.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Why You Dont Need to Take a Full-Time Job Right After College - The Muse
Why You Dont Need to Take a Full-Time Job Right After College - The MuseWhy You Dont Need to Take a Full-Time Job Right After College It welches the end of my senior year in college. And I had two choicesGet a real 9-to-5 job.Or dont.OK, looking back, there were mora than two choices. Nonetheless, I knew I wanted an adventure an off-the-beaten-path experience. Not being stuck in a cubicle. This is how I eventually found myself teaching English in Thailand. My experience living and working there led me to where I am today.(Hint Where I am today has nothing to do with what I thought I wanted, and Thailand showed me that.)This is why I went, and how it changed me.1. I Was Unsure of What I Wanted to Do With my LifeI am totenstill unsure, in many ways, of what I want to do with my life. And I believe we, as humans, are constantly evolving and always changing what we want to do. Nevertheless, when I graduated back in 2012, I welches very unsure of what I wanted to do.My problem, if you cou ld call it that, is that I like everything. Its hard for me to stay focused and define goals- though, with maturity, that has become easier.I always liked everything I studied in school economics, statistics, English, and so on. Eventually, I ended up majoring in history. Why? Because my dad told me it was reputable. Still unsure of what I wanted to do with my life, I was nervous to jump into a career I disliked, so I traveled to Thailand instead.2. I Feared Jumping Into a Full-Time Job- and Hating ItI recall looking at job descriptions my senior year and saying to myself No. Just no. Nothing sounded appealing nothing seemed like I could do that for the rest of my life. Or even a year.But unlike a real job, teaching in Thailand was a relatively short-term gig six to 12 months. I liked it because I had the option to extend my stay if I wanted to. Or heck, if things went bad, I could always leave on the spot.Knowing this made teaching overseas much more appealing.3. I Always Had a Pas sion for East-Asian CultureDespite all my uncertainty, I knew I loved Asia.After studying abroad in Shanghai previously, my entire college career became dedicated to Asia. Following that, I spun projects to somehow relate to Asia in any way possible. So for me, to teach in Thailand wasnt a completely random decision. In fact, I was dying to go back to Asia. To travel more, to live there again.If youre like me- unsure about a lot, but have an unwavering interest in one thing, I highly suggest exploring that. Maybe its fitness, or cooking. Perhaps its skiing. Whatever it may be, you wont regret pursuing a passion as you search for the work that fulfills you. Even if it doesnt pan like you had planned.4. I Thought I Wanted to Go to Grad SchoolWhile still being uncertain about a lot, I was pretty certain that I wanted to go to grad school. (I think fruchtwein people who are uncertain of what they want to do think they want to go to grad school.)Specifically, I thought I would study econ omic development in East Asia. So it made sense to go back to Asia and gain more experience living there before heading to graduate school. I never did make it to graduate school. And I couldnt be happier about it. Moreover, today I do nothing related to East Asia or economics.Advice to others wanting to go to grad school (or law school) right out of college Wait. Get a job in the industry- see if its something you really want to do. After I was finished teaching for six months, this is exactly what I did I got a job at a Thai think tank in their economic development department. It was my dream job, or so I thought.Turns out I was dead wrong. I only lasted in that role for three months. It wasnt what I thought it would be. But it was there that I first began teaching myself to code- and loved it. As this realization set it, I dropped the GRE classes I had been taking, as well as the many hours a week I spent studying for the test. I asked myself Why am I studying outdated vocabulary words, when I could be learning real-life skills? and began to teach myself how to build basic websites.I would never have found the work I have and love now if Id set straight off for grad school first.5. I Could Go on a Long Trip, Because I Had Few Major ResponsibilitiesSure, my boyfriend was not jumping for joy at the thought of me being gone, in exotic Thailand, for over six months. But as a healthy, 22-year-old girl, I knew I needed to explore.And more importantly, I had little responsibilitiesNo husbandNo childrenHealthy parentsNo mortgageAnd so onFortunately, I had the awareness to realize that this was a fleeting opportunity. And to take it. Your early 20s is probably the best time to travel. It is a sweet spot of little responsibility, coupled with youth and overall health. And just enough money to get by.I dont care what industry youre in (heck, now I am in tech) Travel. And do it while youre young.Theres a thousand excuses you can make about why now is not a good time. B ut trust me, as you get older, its only going to become more difficult. And the next thing you know, youll be in your 40s or 50s wondering why you never made it to Europe.Sure, you can travel when you retire. (And many people do. I plan on being one of them.) But its not the same as when youre young and unbound from all the responsibilities that come with age. 6. I Wanted a ChallengeAt the end of it all, I wanted a challenge.And thats what I got.Yes, Thailand is fun. But when I was teaching- which I was for most of my time there- I was in the middle of Thailand. I was not living on an exotic beach or partying every night in Bangkok.Rather, I was completely isolated as one of two Westerners in my town. Even more, IWas the only Western female in the townWas in a town where only two others could speak English fluentlyLived alone for the first time (and I lived in a house without a sink or toilet flusher)Dealt with snakes, cockroaches, huge freaking lizards, and packs of stray dogs (who would snap at you) on a daily basisHad to bicycle to get almost everywhere- and this was not some cosmopolitan area with bike-friendly roadsWhen I decided to teach in Thailand, I didnt realize what I was signing up for. The truth is I tried to not think about it and just deal with it when I got there. But to this day, I try to embrace this mindset Take action, dont think about all the what ifs. Like many people, I tend to overanalyze decisions. And, as a result, fail to take action.One of my favorite sayings is, Good things take time. Great things happen all at once. The riskiest decisions (within good reason) tend to be the best in the long run. And if not, its a lesson lived. As long as you walk away learning something new, and can bring this knowledge with you into the future, it was a worthwhile experience.7. Living Alone in Thailand Forced Me to Find MyselfIn the end, spending nine months in Thailand changed me as a person and it changed my life and career trajectory. Afterwar d- and even still, to this day- I had a sense of confidence and independence from that experience.Sometimes, I still tell myself, I fought off wild dogs I got thisUltimately, going outside of your comfort zone allows you to develop as a person. By itself, traveling alone or working somewhere new alone is empowering and challenging, but most of all, rewarding.Whether you decide to travel like I did, move to a new city for a new career, or even do something totally out of the ordinary- like take an improv class or skydive Being scared is good for you.Being scared, or living with uncertainty, pushes you to the next level. It allows for new self-discoveries- discoveries that just dont happen when youre sitting in the same office, or living in the same city, in the same house, with the same people.For me, living alone in Thailand for nine months led me to where I am today doing content strategy and front-end development.As disparate as the two may seem- economic development and website d esign and content strategy- being completely alone for the first time gave me the chance to explore areas I had never considered, which I now consider my greatest interests and passions.When youre totally alone, you learn a lot about yourself. When you cant communicate with people around you, you are forced to communicate with yourself. Despite it taking several months, being alone in Thailand led me down a path of self-discovery. If it werent for Thailand, I wouldnt be where I am today.Photo of person hiking courtesy of Shutterstock.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
What Absolutely Everyone Is Saying About Do I Need a Cover Letter for a Resume
What Absolutely Everyone Is Saying About Do I Need a Cover Letter for a Resume The Rise of Do I Need a Cover Letter for a Resume A deckblatt letter may be one of the best tools at work seekers disposal. The deckblatt letter is a kind of job application thats sent together with the resume to the employer. Each cover letter is specially written for every kind of job so you must search the one which youre applying for. If done correctly, an effective cover letter conveys to the possible employer the explanations for why youd be useful at the job. For work in real estate, you will need to highlight your eligibility to market to prospective home owners and your drive to reach schlussverkauf quotas. Sure, it appears that way as youre speaking about yourself, but its really about the job the business is attempting to fill and the way you can meet that need. If youre asking for work in marketing or sales, you will need to highlight key performance metrics. As youre tailoring your cove r letter, you wish to share job experiences or individual stories since they relate to the job that youre applying to. As a job seeker you might have broad sortiment of needs. To get the business done, they may reject resumes which are too long or are missing a cover letter. The key point to remember when hunting for an internet job is, have patience. Top Do I Need a Cover Letter for a Resume Choices The letter is an opportunity to introduce yourself and mention your contact for a reminder that youre a referral. Before you even start your cover letter, gather information concerning the employer and the business that youre applying to. A cover letter enables you to chat about yourself in the very first person and allows you to tell a story about your experience, your nature and your accomplishments. Though a well-written cover letter may improve your probability of receiving an interview, the opposite is also accurate. Perhaps you want to have more than merely a professiona l resume and cover letter. Because the cover letter is an expert document, you are going to want to continue to keep its format easy and elegant, as you would a school essay. Writing the ideal cover letter may be hard, but it isnt impossible. Utilize our cover letter builder and use the guidelines above, and youll have a lovely, polished cover letter in a couple of minutes.One of the absolute most efficient tools of cover letter is the fact that it permits you to be proactive. There are various cover letter templates to be found on the internet. Even after youre conscious of why you are in need of a cover letter, writing a really good one isnt an easy job. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. As a rule of thumb, however, its most effective to incorporate a cover letter to show youre seriously interested in the job. You must tailor your cover letter to talk specifically to each corporations needs. Ensure you address your cover lett er to the right individual or department. You must always send a cover letter together with your resume, even when job posting doesnt request one. The Do I Need a Cover Letter for a Resume Pitfall Your letter can function as a tiebreaker. Never be reluctant to sing your own praises, particularly if theyre true. Ensure that the recruiting firm has a very good small business program. Do tell the employer how youre able to fulfill their requirements and donate to the corporation. Write to a certain individual, ideally the person who actually makes the hiring decision. Since customer service is such a wide category, we provide a wide range of letters from various regions of the field. When applying for an IT job, you will probably have to get through an HR representative who may not be well-versed in the technical details of the position. Whether you would like to receive a job in nursing, dentistry, or pharmaceuticals, weve got a sample that is relevant to your career path. Take only the total amount of space needed to prove that youre a perfect candidate for the job. A successful candidate for a work opening takes the opportunity to figure out the names of the important individuals in the organization where theyre applying.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Infographic Details College Grad Happiness, Meaningful Work is Key
Infographic Details College Grad Happiness, Meaningful Work is Key By now weve all heard the popular tune Happy by Pharrell Williams, and were all aware that happy employees produce successful, happy organizations. And with the influx of college graduates into the workforce, companies should be well aware of what makes todays top talent happy as well. This is where webapp Happify comes in.The company created a new infographic, Education, Striving for Happiness Success, which offers companies a detailed look on college graduates views of happiness.For starters, the infographic notes that college graduates are more likely to say theyre very happy than workers without a degree. And 30 percent of millennials say meaningful work is the most important measure of a successful career, even more important than a paycheck.And in what fields do college graduates find the happiest work? The infographic data revealsNursing -86%Special Education-83%Medical Technology-80%Biomedical Engineering-79%Athletic Training, Social Work, Child Family Studies-78%The data also notes that St. George, Utah Charlotte, N.C. and Houston, Texas are the happiest cities for job-seeking college grads.Check out the complete infographic below to also discover how current students find happiness through GRIT, extracurricular activities and school rankings
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Professors Have the Highest Pay, Highest Wage Growth, New Study Reveals
Professors Have the Highest Pay, Highest Wage Growth, New Study RevealsProfessors Have the Highest Pay, Highest Wage Growth, New Study Reveals It pays to be a professor these daysIn the monthly Glassdoor Local Pay Reports , we examine pay growth trends for 60 different jobs across 10 major metros and the United States. We took our research one step to examine which jobs are both high growth (looking at year-over-year pay growth) and high paying (according to median kusine pay). And while software engineers and registered nurses were in the so calledSweet spot, professors beat out all the other occupations as having the highest growth and the highest salary.Thats right In April, professors saw a year-over-year pay increase of $4,934 (5.8% growth from last year) and an average salary of $90,007. When it comes to having high growth and high pay, professors followed by customer tafelgeschirr managers ($3,733, $54,177), attorneys ($3,426, $98,594) and programmer analy sts ($3,360, $69,233).Like many of todays employment trends, experts say professors are experiencing high growth and high pay because of increased demand. The source of high salaries and rapid growth of professor pay is rooted in competition, says Glassdoor chief economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain. Universities must compete with major corporations for talent in the fields of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and all STEM fields. Therefore, in order to attract and retain talent, universities in many cases are making attractive counter offers, and thats likely driving the rapid rise were seeing in pay for professors nationwide.Sounds a lot like those college lessons on supply and demand, right?Overall, our research found that theres a slight negative relationship between pay and growth. Higher paying jobs on average are correlated with lower pay growth. And lower paying jobs are correlated with higher growth rates.For example, data scientist is among the highest-paying jobs i n the U.S. today, with a median base pay of $94,944 per year. However, data scientist pay is only growing at 1.1 percent from a year ago, well below the national average of 2.7 percent. On the contrary, cashiers earn a median base pay of $27,582 per year, but are experiencing rapid pay growth of 5.0 percent year-over-year.But its important to note that not every job follows this pattern. Some jobs have both high pay and high wage growth, while others have both low pay and low growth. Interested in the data? The figure below is divided into four quadrants to illustrate both these general trends and the outlier jobs.Dig in, then find a job that fits your life on Glassdoor var divElement = document.getElementById(viz1495143866546) var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName(object)0 var scriptElement = document.createElement(script) scriptElement.src = https// vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement) Source Glassdoor Local Pay Reports , April 2017. Figures show U.S. estimated median annual base pay for full-time employees.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
5 unconventional team-building activities that really work
5 unconventional team-building activities that really work5 unconventional team-building activities that really workIn order for a business to prosper and be more successful, the people working there should give their maximum and invest all their effort and creativity into building the company along with their boss. So, if you want your staff to be happy to work for you and with you, you should organize some team-building activities for them occasionally. However, if these activities arent interesting or stimulating enough, you might end up with a bunch of disgruntled people, blaming you for wasting their precious time. So, here are five activities your employees will actually like and which can make them function better as a team.Zombie EscapeThis activity requires good problem-solving skills, but also close collaboration of all the members of the team. The scenario is fun, interesting and maybe even a bit scary. The team is locked in a room with a zombie tied with a rope. The goal is to escape the room by solving different puzzles and problems, without being caught by the zombie. In the beginning, it might seem easy, since the rope holding the zombie in place is short. However, every five minutes the rope gets longer and the zombie gets closer to the living. By that time, the team members will be desperately trying to find the answers to all sorts of trick questions in a space that gets more limited as the zombies rope gains length. Solving riddles and putting heads together towards a common objective will help your employees build a strong team culture and provide them with the experience they can later use on your next company project.Laser TagThis is anotlageher activity which will force your team to solve problems together, but also make quick and vital decisions under a lot of pressure, all the while working on enhancing their communication skills and building mutual trust. What more could you want from a team? Plus, this is a recreational activity, sinc e theres a lot of moving around while trying to avoid being shot, or trying to eliminate a player from the opposing team. Physical activities such as this one can boost their self-esteem, but also improve their immune ordnungsprinzip and overall wellbeing. So, while theyre having a blast and going through an adrenaline rush, theyll also be gaining experience theyll later be able to use at work. And not only that. Theyll be happy and excited as children, which will enhance their mood, promote good health and help them focus next time they go back to work.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreVolunteeringEverybody feels better and more useful when they help someone and do something inspiring. And when its a team effort, theres a shared sense of achievement, which grows and multiplies as it moves from one person to another. The key is to find something most of your employees are passion ate about and work towards helping that organization or charity. For example, in companies where most employees are female, the team might find a foundation which give disadvantaged girls scholarships to improve their odds at getting good education. These kinds of foundations provide girls with study equipment, various resources and even tutoring, which is something everybody would be happy to contribute to. So, by engaging in activities with such great goals, not only will your employees be a part of something memorable and show good initiative, but theyll also exhibit social responsibility, which could be a great asset to you and your company.Tough MudderWhen it comes to team-building activities, this is probably one of the most challenging one, mentally and physically. This is something that requires people to train and prepare themselves for weeks or even months ahead, since the activity includes a whole range of difficult challenges, which you can only overcome if youre fit, of clear mind and dedicated. And even though it may appear that having grown people crawling through mud, dangling from ropes and jumping over pits isnt something that a business could have any use of, this is actually a great way for a team to bond and bring some new energy into the office. It teaches people not to give up, no matter the obstacles, as well as to turn to each other for support and advice when they get stuck. Once they realize thats the best way to go forward, theyll implement it at work and your company can benefit from it greatly.Museum HackThis is a new and innovative way to visit museums. Museum hack is an interactive and quite an adventurous way to go through different museums and to introduce people to art and history in a way theyll love and remember. The goal is not to overload people with information about everything there is to see in a museum, but rather to choose specific wings and works of art which will be presented through interesting stories and games, making the tour more dynamic than anything you could have imagined. This is a great activity for your staff, since it will give them the opportunity to see something they havent before, to learn something new and intriguing, but in a stimulating and thought-provoking manner. What your employees can draw from the experience is that there is always a new and different way to approach each problem, project or job and that some fresh perspective can improve their efficiency, along with your business.The ideas are all there. Now just pick one and make your company work better by making your employees happy.Isabel William is consultant by day and a blogger by night and om to twins 24/7.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
New site wants to help connect work-related sexual misconduct survivors
New site wants to help connect work-related sexual misconduct survivorsNew site wants to help connect work-related sexual misconduct survivorsHarvey Weinstein. Larry Nassar. Bill Cosby.Three of the most high-profile sexual misconduct cases from the MeToo era share a commonality For each perpetrator - whether alleged or convicted - there were dozens of survivors who came forward to tell their stories.On magazine covers, survivors appeared together, stacked one on top of the other to show their mass. The sheer volume of people who were affected overwhelmed readers as they parsed through information about men who had dominated their fields and wielded power over the women who looked up to them.It may seem as though the MeToo movement was as quick and forceful as an avalanche, but a closer read shows that it sometimes took decades for these women to find each other as their antagonistswent unchecked. And in office buildings with no celebrity power or media attention, connecting with su rvivors who have faced the same harasser or assailant can be difficult.But a new website is trying to change that., from sexual misconduct prevention nonprofit Im With Them, is a resource for people who have experienced work-related sexual harassment or assault and suspect their perpetrator may be a serial offender. Its a platform to connect victims of the same bad actor to one aelendlageher, but only after a number of reports have been received (its developers are still deciding what that number is, though theyre more inclined toward groups than pairs).When you put them together, they create a pattern of behavior that represents pervasiveness, and I think thats something that we really havent had, saidLaurie Girand, Im With Thems president.The site is not for everyone - a fact that is explicit in its text. Because the User is our priority, if the outing of their experience or their association with the perpetrator would make the User uncomfortable, they should not u seIm With Them, it says. Though its confidential and relatively private, the platform is not intended as a tool to anonymously report for those who are more inclined toward that form of action, Im With Thems resource page has information about a hotline.But for survivors who want to share their stories and believe in the power of numbers, Im With Them provides a network for people to make that connection.I believe theres a set of victims that are upset - and rightfully upset - and believe that this person should be stopped. And that set of people will be the people who tend to come forward, said Girand.How it worksThe process to register atIm With Them is simple, yet comprehensive. An individual who chooses to register is redirected to a form, where they fill in personal information such as name, address, and the last four digits of their social security number. With this data,Im With Them authenticates the bentzers profile through BlockScore, an identity verification API. The pro tection is intended to keep out those who might use fake email addresses or pseudonyms.Once a user is authenticated, theycompletea series of identifying questions, including information about their perpetrator name, phone numbers, license plate, social media accounts, and other potential indicators. Users are asked about their relationship to the alleged offender, as well as the incidents that occurred between them.After that, users have to wait. They may get a quick response, but it could also take months or years to find a match. In some instances, nothing may happen. Outcomes depend on who registers for the platform, among other case-related variables.If a group doesform a match, they will be sent each others names and contact information with details on how to safely proceed. But their stories will not be shared. Survivors have agency to decide whether they want to tell those peers what happened to them, and they can make that decision on their own terms if they decide to move forward.Who will use it?Girand said there are groups of survivors who will not necessarily be attracted to her platform - people who are still traumatized by the experience may feel as though they arent ready for the exposure, and on the other end of the spectrum, some workers may dismiss the harassment they experienced as an awkward exchange instead of full-fledged misconduct. But shes banking on the fact that the majority of people feel differently, andIm With Them is for that critical mass who believe they were put in an uncomfortable position and now want justice.The site is also a resource for victims who feel vulnerable and dont know where to turn. For example, Girand said, interviewees or vendors who face harassment are not always empowered to report their harassers. They might fear losing business or their job, or they might not even know who to contact. Im With Them provides one vehicle through which survivors in more precarious situations may be able to access what they n eed to feel they can speak out against their offender.Im With Them also has the potential to serve an institutional purpose. Girand said she could foresee anonymizing data and working with companies to identify problem areas within their ranks. She could not point to a particular employee, but she would be able to indicate that an entire department could use more training or attention.The platform went live on Jan. 23, and Girand said she expects anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of records filtering through her site.
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